Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Hit and Run - My Experience Getting Hit by a Car on My Bike

So, it is official. I am now a member of a bike club. Unfortunately a member of a club I never wanted to be… bike riders that have been hit by cars.

Hit by a Car on a Bicycle
I was out cruising the neighborhood the other night. About 10 minutes into the ride I came to the main road that runs adjacent to our subdivision. Noticing a car coming toward me I stopped beside the curb far from that main road. It was dark after all and being an avid mountain biker I am always overly cautious on the road. As he turned into my road the driver came across the road to clip the apex of the turn, almost exactly where I was waiting.

It was surreal. It wasn't like it was happening in slow motion as many often describe. It was more like someone lifted the needle on my life dropping it a few grooves in time later. The car was coming at me, then it was down the road.

As I laid in the road a thousand thoughts ran through my head starting with "did that guy just hit me? Really? He just hit me!"

No brake lights. "Did he even know he hit me?" It was dark. "Maybe he thought he clipped the curb. Surely he looked in his rear view mirror when he heard that he hit something. Doesn't everyone with a nice car look back when they hit something?"

Sitting on the curb I wondered if I was "asking for it" riding after dark. As I limped home with "Old Faithful" (my GT mountain bike) on my shoulder I was amazed at how really lucky I had been. If I had been any closer to the corner, the car would have hit me rather than folding my front wheel squashing it on top of me.
Hit and run by a car

The next day amazement turned into anger. Sure, it was dark and accidents happen but driving on the wrong side of the road? Not good. Then not stopping after hitting someone? Inexcusable! Our neighborhood often has older couples out walking or kids riding all sorts of wheeled devices visiting friends. This driver might just kill someone in the near future…maybe even one of my own children.

I felt a little better after filing a police report but everything seemed so pointless. Knowing they would probably not find the driver, not much would change.

I think part of the problem is that we all feel like things like this only happen to others. I have to admit I was one of those that felt that way. I was always overly careful when riding my bike on the road (something I rarely do). Those other bikers that defiantly ride in the road would be hit, not me. Being a dad constantly looking to use even the scariest moments to teach my kids, I of course used this as a prime example of how you can never think "it can't happen to you."

In a few weeks the bruises will be gone, the wheel replaced, and life will be back to normal. But what could I do that will remind both the rider and driver how quickly your life can change? I have a couple ideas. I will have the details in an upcoming post. Check back soon!