Sunday, October 2, 2011

Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day

This past Saturday was the IMBA's "Take a Kid Mountain Biking" day. It started as a chilly morning with the kids and dads (mostly) ready for a fun ride in the woods. Sadly, I was the only one from our family on this trip... my son ironically went over the handlebars a few days earlier and broke his arm. But he was there in spirit and Cubmaster John was there to "guide" the boys to receiving their Biking Belt Loop.

The new trails, recently built by the Appalachian Mountain Bike Club at Mead's Quarry, were challenging to a few including one little girl on training wheels (with much help from a very ambitious dad). I hesitate calling the trails awesome. Wasn't it the band The Eagles that said "call it paradise and kiss it goodbye"? But they really did build some awesome trails!

A few miles down the smooth rolling singletracks we all took a break at one of the two quarries. The boys explored the caves, climbed rock faces, and had dads a little nervous at times.

Then back onto the rollercoaster headed for the trailhead.

Thank you AMBC, IMBA, and The Bike Zoo for putting on this great ride. Let's think about another in the spring, not just fall.

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