Sunday, July 24, 2011

Be Careful What You Wish For

My son has always been a gadget guy. But surprisingly in a world of electronic do-dads, his favorites are old-school items with lots of function squeezed into small packages. He loves backpacks with pockets, boxes with compartments, but his favorites are tools that do many things. A Swiss Army knife is the ultimate.

Recently we found a rear bike rack in the back of our bedroom closet (a Christmas present to me that never made it under the tree). "Please, please please! I want it for my bike!" His favorite outdoor toy was now a gadget when it included a rack.

After riding around the back yard a few afternoons with all his toys bungied on, I suggested we use the carrier for what it was designed... carrying stuff. We headed out to the local pizza joint. A half hour later we headed home with two larges strapped to his rack. The added weight made the bike feel very different, a concept he never thought about. Needless to say, a little more grumbling was heard toward the end of the trip.

A few weeks later the topic of getting pizza again via bicycle-delivery-boy came up again.

"Daddy, I think you need a rack for your bike too!"

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