Sunday, July 24, 2011

Don't be Mean to a Bike Rider in LA

I frequent many bike news sites. They mostly tell of a new product or racer that has done something wonderful. But this article caught my eye for many reasons. It praises the Los Angeles city council for passing a "Bike Anti-harassment Ordinance."

According to the paperwork...

A person shall not do or attempt to do any of the following:
A. Physically assault or attempt to physically assault a Bicyclist because of, in whole or in part, the Bicyclist's status as a Bicyclist.

B. Threaten to physically injure a Bicyclist because of, in whole or in part, the Bicyclist's status as a Bicyclist.

C. Intentionally injure, attempt to injure, or threaten to physically injure by words, either vehicle, or other object, a Bicyclist because of, in whole or in part, the Bicyclist's status as a Bicyclist.

D. Intentionally distract or attempt to distract a Bicyclist because of, in whole or in part, the Bicyclist's status as a Bicyclist.

E. Intentionally force or attempt to force a Bicyclist off a street for purposes unrelated to public safety.

It states that the punishment for the violator:
shall be liable for treble the actual damages with regard to each and every such violation, or $1,000, whichever is greater, and shall be liable for reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of litigation. In addition, a jury or a court may award punitive damages

While the council members and LA bike enthusiasts are busy patting each other on their backs, I am sitting here in middle-America wondering what happened before they passed this? Wasn't it already illegal to intentionally injure anyone, bike rider or not in LA? I am guessing it was and this an attempt for legislators to say "look how much we love you bike riders" really meaning "keep voting for us."

And with the success of this one, I suppose they will also be coming out with the very same law for EVERY other form of transportation or even interest group that can pull a voting lever. Imagine the tons of paper or worse, hours of pay that will be wasted kissing up to skateboarders, pedestrians, food vendors, newspaper sales people, dog walkers... the list can go on and on. I guess things are so perfect in SoCal that they need to make up stuff to fix.

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